
Planted By Waters

This is a place is where we share inspiration we have received.
A place that gives ideas that may enhance the walk of you own path in life.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wake Up

last night attended an inter denominational prayer meeting, where we prayed for The Church to wake up! I have heard that myself when I am still sleeping in the morning,Jesus said wake up!
about six months ago I was reading the Bible down at a local beach,the scripture where Jesus says to his disciples why are you sleeping?
nearby was a man sitting on a bench,I had never seen him before,he asked me what was I reading and what did it say?
I was reluctant to tell him,,but he persisted in asking me,so I said 'why are you sleeping" he took a step backwards and looked shocked,it turns out he was a pastor in a  church from that area,he had just been to a Christian Community leaders meeting and was down the beach praying,he had also heard God speak that to him sometime earlier. I then told him a dream I had that week,
My husband and I were driving in NZ, laying,along the road in a very dangerous and precarious position were babies and alongside them were their teachers,they had their eyes open but appeared to be asleep.Why had these babies been left there?
I interpreted it to mean,The Church hasn't been making disciples of our babies and they are in a very dangerous and vulnerable place,we need to wake up.
The morning I met that pastor, I also heard on the car radio the song by Keith Green called Asleep in The Light.,it was very challenging, have a listen to it if you can.

1 comment:

  1. These dreams are so significant. A Christian brother's Pastor had a dream that he told me about nearly two years ago now. This is the best of my recollection of it. It was of a large hotel, and it was on fire. The dream also had something about the lifts. From memory, the public lift wouldn't work, but the staff one did. He interpreted the dream as meaning, there are all these people in your neighbourhood that you have to reach, otherwise they will not be saved. Direct and powerful dreams.
