
Planted By Waters

This is a place is where we share inspiration we have received.
A place that gives ideas that may enhance the walk of you own path in life.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Take a new view

I remember about a year ago, visiting a local church situated on a hill near the sea. I was kindly invited to look inside, as I had been walking around admiring the grounds and the outside of the building. The inside was attractive, with lovely stained glass windows, most impressive.
I walked outside to jump back in my car, and immediately became aware that it was as though my sense of sight was heightened, everything looked better! As I drove down the road the surroundings and the sea in the distance took on a beautiful quality. I arrived home and walked inside, my house looked better the view of my garden looked wonderful. I didn’t want this to wear off. I knew the still small voice inside  was highlighting something to me. it was about changing my perspective, to see things as He sees things, always seeing the beauty in things, it is where we choose to put our focus, that determines our joy & happiness. I believe also that He was showing me that he doesn’t just reside in beautiful buildings, but His presence can be found anywhere. This is a lesson that he continues to repeat to me in different ways just recently I heard him speak to me of it again. let me encourage you  to shift your focus, dwell on the positive, the uplifting, allow Him to give you His perspective - a new perspective! Don’t settle for anything less.

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