Flowers have a secret, language, they have ancient symbolism
this is an excerpt from a Bride's journal and inspirational journey
The lily is often a favorite flower of many royal brides
because of its meaning, return of happiness
The Arum represents a coming back to life the resurrection,
the water lily or lotus the cycle of life, the lotus grows up from mud into a
flower of great beauty, and can be a reminder that just as people go through
difficulties that beauty can come through these times.
The lily rich in
symbolism, has trumpet shaped flowers which one can imagine at a wedding would
be trumpeting out the sound of joy, a lily is a sweet and fragrant with a
strong scent
White and beautiful, exceeding others for whiteness, meaning
purity, in it are seven seeds that are the
colour of gold, royalty
A lily is very fruitful, one root may put forth fifty bulbs.
A lily is the tallest of flowers and yet hangs its head
down, a beautiful picture of humility.
A lily has many medicinal qualities according to old
teaching representing healing
The lily of the valley is a beautiful picture of the king in
song of songs
I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley. songs 2.1
My beloved is gone down into his garden to the bed of spices
to feed in the garden and to gather lilies . songs 6.2
Take a moment to
record in these pages some thoughts of what you would like to proclaim through
your wedding flowers, perhaps joy, return of happiness, fidelity what is your
secret language to your groom.
You could also keep a few petals from the day in this
journal as a reminder in years ahead how precious that meaning was to you.
Have a go at drawing your favorite flowers ,as I have done below,I had a dream on my wedding anniversary of a field of white lilies, they were in my wedding bouquet so it was a special message of love to me.
a return of happiness
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