
Planted By Waters

This is a place is where we share inspiration we have received.
A place that gives ideas that may enhance the walk of you own path in life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The dancer

a couple of months ago I prayed for God to give me a word of knowledge for my hairdresser.
I had a dream that I was with my mother and we were dancing and rejoicing. My mother is in heaven now.
I forgot about the dream until my hairdresser told me that she used to dance,and that she used to teach and tour.
I then told her about my dream,we both felt it was unusual I should dream that,but I told her I felt it was about her life and to think about what it meant and I would ask her about it next time I came in. When I returned the next time to have my hair done,she saw my name in the book and remembered what I had said to her.,she then told me that she was thinking of teaching her niece to dance,I then told her how I had prayed for supernatural knowledge for my hairdresser and said I beleive she will be getting back into dance and that it was a gift she had been given.
since then I have  read a book where a lady has visited in heaven and she said that when we dance before the Lord he makes a tapestry of our dance and hangs it in the mansion he has prepared for us.
what a beautiful gift this lady has.

breakthrough means Change

This morning I wrote these thoughts on breakthrough.
I have the breakthrough,step out,don't play it safe
don't be distracted
stop talking about the breakthrough be the breakthrough,ask every day and expect to hear where to go.
do new things.
every breakthrough requires change,you cant expect breakthrough by doing the same things.
faith is spelled RISK
be part of the answer

miracle on peel Island

a couple of weeks ago I prayed in the morning for Angelic host to protect me as I was going out on a boat that afternoon, I went on a cruise to Peel island,it is about 1 and half hours out in Moreton Bay,we arrived on the island and the skipper of the catamaran had said not to go too far as a big storm was approaching,I left my friend swimming and went for a bush walk. I didn't think I had walked far,but I had taken a wrong track and ended up at the next cove,and also I had sprained my ankle trying to get down to the cove. I had been praying for Jesus to help me as I didn't know how I was going to get back to the right beach and I was remembering the warning about the storm.
I walked out onto the beach and met a man camping there with his children,I asked him the way back and explained that I was lost,nice man that he was,offered to take me back to my beach in his boat.
I arrived back just in time as my friend was worried and they had been shouting out my name and were planning to go and look for me,they were so shocked to see me arrive back via the water and not the beach,they called out,it is Gerrie she looks like the queen standing there in that boat,henceforth,they kept referring to me as Queen Gerrie.
I arrived back on the catamaran and looked on my phone at the weather radar, the storm looked bad,the skipper had left the island early to start back,the sky was black,and on the radar I could see it heading straight for us.I had recently read a book where a lady and her husband took authority over the weather went they went on holidays,it  was raining when they left but didn't rain the whole time they were away and started again only when they arrived back.
I didn't fancy being stuck out on a boat in a bad storm ,so I told the storm to go and peace be still,I did this quietly. I watched the storm split and we had only very light sprinkles of rain,no wind and when we arrived back at the dock,there was a beautiful sunset and the waters were so still and peaceful.