I just recently completed a holiday in New Zealand.
A wise teacher once told a story to me. It probably wasn’t
his but it was good all the same.
If you place a frog in hot water it will jump straight out.
If you place the frog in cold water and slowly heat it up the frog will not
leave the water and will cook itself.
I am from New Zealand but do not live there now. I first
became a Christian about thirty seven years ago. Seven years after this event I
lived in Christchurch. Things were happening in the church. We were all very
excited about the future of the church and expected great things of God. A
short time later I left Christchurch and started on my journey which led me to
Australia. Since that time I have returned to New Zealand multiple times. Each
time I returned I noticed that the country was far less moral but did not think
much of this as this was happening everywhere. What has shocked me on my last
trip was how spiritually dry New Zealand felt. I had no revelation at all on
this trip. It wasn’t until I returned that God started showing me things again.
God showed me the mountains that I saw in New Zealand and
reminded me of the parable of the sower. On the top of the mountains nothing
grew. On the lower edges some very hardy plants grew but little fruit bearing
plants could survive. As I arrived on Canterbury plans it was very green and
all manner of things grew there. In amongst this were places where gorse and
thistle grew where not much else could grow. This was so much like the parable.
Then God showed me a new gardening technique. This was hydroponics. In
hydroponics, plants have no soil but are feed everything down a long pipe.
Water and nutrients are constantly being supplied down the pipe but there is no
soil and in some cases, the hydroponics is grown inside. God showed me that
this was where the church is at and why it is so spiritually dry.
The people of God have been pulled out of the soil and
placed in something that is very much like a hydroponic garden. They have no
direct relationship with God. They receive all the spiritual food they need
from their leaders and in some places they get their spiritual food from the
music that they also worship. All appears fine but they do not know where the spiritual
food is coming from. They cannot tell if they are being poisoned or not because
they have no relationship with God. Many cannot even pray or do not read or
understand God’s word. Some leaders are not even giving much relevance to God’s
word. In many churches the worship of God has been replaced by the worship of
music. Don’t get me wrong, I like good music, but I am against usurping God by
thinking that I am worshipping him when in fact I am worshipping the music.
There is little spurring one another on in faith. Righteousness has been
forgotten and there is as much sin in the church as there is in the world. Marriage
is not honoured in the church.
So why isn’t the church on their knees and repenting? I
cannot understand this, especially with what I see in Australia on the news. We
have had our hearts hardened. We should be weeping but instead we attend
celebration services each Sunday. Do not think that this can go on. I can
already see the signs of persecution coming and in some places it has already
arrived. The church will be chipped at until all the dead wood has been
removed. Remember the parable of the vine. We are grafted in at the expense of
God’s chosen people. Do not think that he will not cut us off too if we do not
bear fruit.
There is still time for us, but we must act now. It cannot
go on much longer.
As for the wickedness of our nations, this will all end
badly. History shows that when wickedness reaches its fullness God acts. A
member of parliament stated that the sky will not fall down. I tell you that
the sky will fall down. It will come down in natural disasters and I see these
coming very soon. Do not be afraid of these things. This is a natural part of
what happens as wickedness grows. Be more concerned with keeping a right
relationship with God. Even if my body is taken from me, my spirit will live
and God will raise me up in the last days.
God bless